Map Showing Alameda, California, U. S. Coast Survey, 1859 - 01

The image above is from a U.S. Coast Survey in 1859.

Map Showing Alameda, California, U. S. Coast Survey, 1859 - 04

A close up view from the same map. This is the West End of Alameda, and shows San Antonio Creek, Oakland and “Brooklyn” (part of Oakland today), and the area that will become Lake Merritt. Also of note, “The Encinal” in Alameda and the Alameda R.R. (railroad) Wharf.

Map Showing Alameda, California, U. S. Coast Survey, 1859 - 05

Here is another close up view from the same map. This is the East End of Alameda and shows the area near High Street as being the most settled. Also seen is San Leandro Bay.

Map Showing Alameda, California, U. S. Coast Survey, 1859 - 03

The image to the left is the full map that the close-ups above came from.

Author:U.S. Coast Survey
Short Title:Entrance to San Francisco Bay California
Publisher:Washington: U.S. Coast Survey
Type:Chart Map

This images of this map are from the David Rumsey Historical collection and are provided here for educational use only.