Santa’s Village

Santa’s Village

one time there were three Santa’s Villages, two in California and one in
Illinois. The two California Santa’s Villages have both closed. One was near Los Angeles (about an 80 mile drive) at Skyforest,
near Lake Arrowhead in the San Bernardino Mountains. There was also a Santa’s Village
near San Francisco (about a 75 mile drive) at Santa Cruz, at 6348 Santa Cruz

The Santa’s Village in Illinois is near Chicago in the Fox River Valley, between
Elgin and Dundee at the intersections of Highway 25 & 72. It is open.
Today the park is called
Santa’s Village AZoosment Park
. It has both rides and a petting zoo
and has Santa’s Slide, the oldest original Santa’s Village ride left,
dating back to 1959.

The following old postcards, brochures and other items of Santa’s Village provide a great visual
look back at Santa’s Village history.


Santa’s Village, Skyforest and Santa Cruz, California

Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Welcome House
Santa’s Village
Sky Forest, California

Welcome House
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Welcome House
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Welcome House
Fun with Easter Bunny
Skyforest, California

Welcome House
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Welcome House
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa and Cupid
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.


Santa’s House
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s House
Rainbow Man,
Lollipop Lady, Alice
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Village
in San Bernardiono Mts.
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Sleigh
Santa’s Village

Santa’s Reindeer
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Candy Cane
Sleigh and reindeer
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Pumpkin Coach
Santa’s Village

Ride in Pumpkin Coach
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Cinderella Coach
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Train Ticket Office
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Train
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Jack Punkinhead
on Magic Train
Santa’s Village

Train Ride thru
Enchanted Forest
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Antique Autos
Santa’s Village

Santa’s Village
as seen from
the Monorail


Bumble Bee
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Village
in the Redwoods
near Santa Cruz

Children Guiding
Pony Carts
Santa’s Village

Christmas Tree
Santa’s Village

Bee Ride Monorail
Christmas Tree
Skyforest, California

Christmas Tree Ride
Santa’s Village

Santa and Devin
Ride the Dragon
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

The Lollipop Lady
Rides the Elephant
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Thrilling
Bobsled Ride
Santa’s Village

Juice Bar
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Village
mailed 1956

Gingerbread House
Santa’s Village
mailed 1958

Gingerbread House
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Village
Good Witch’s Bakery
Skyforest, California

Mrs. Claus
welcomes Santa
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Santa waves from
his house at
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Home
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Bim the playful Burro
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.
mailed 1961

Bim the playful Burro
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s animals
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Mrs. Claus’
Candy Kitchen
Santa’s Village

Mrs. Claus’
Candy Kitchen
Santa’s Village

Mrs. Claus
in front of
her Kitchen
Santa’s Village

Santa’s Village
Lollipop Tree

Mrs. Claus
at Mrs. Claus’ Kitchen
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Chapel of the
Little Shepherd
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Mrs. Claus
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

The drawbridge
Enchanted Castle
Skyforest, California

Doll House
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Doll Shop
Santa’s Village

Mrs. Claus’
Spice Factory
Santa’s Village

Spice Factory
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Alice in Wonderland
Santa’s Village

Toy Factory
Santa’s Village
mailed 1964

Mill Wheel
Toy Shop
Santa’s Village

Santa and Blitzen
Mill Wheel Toy Shop
Sky Forest, Calif.

Mill Wheel
Toy Shop
Santa’s Village

Mill Wheel
Toy Shop
Skyforest, Calif.

Easter Bunny’s
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Easter Bunny
Santa’s Village

Gift Shop
Christmas Ornaments
Santa’s Village

Pixie Flower Stand
Santa’s Village

Birthday Room
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Village
near Los Angeles
near San Francisco
near Chicago

Santa’s Village

Santa’s Village

Greeting From
Santa’s Village

Santa and his
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Santa and Mrs Clause
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Chapel of the
Little Shepherd
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Rainbow Man and
Lollipop Lady
Skyforest, California

Jack Pumpkinhead
Santa’s Village

Antique Car Ride
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Antique Car Ride
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, California

Slide Down
Tree House
Santa’s Village

Santa’s Village
Drawbridge to
Enchanted Castle
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Home

Santa’s Home
Skyforest, Calif.
mailed 1961

Giant Candy Cane
Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Village
Mill Wheel Toy Factory
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Village
Skyforest, Calif.

Santa’s Village Brochure and Map, Skyforest, California

Santa’s Village Brochure,
Skyforest, California

Santa’s Village Brochure

Santa’s Village Brochure
Santa’s Village, Dundee, Illinois

Christmas Tree Ride
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

The Crooked Man’s
Tree House
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Santa and Little Friend
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Doll House
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Welcome House
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Gingerbread House
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Santa at Barn
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Around the World
Post Office
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Souvenir Building
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Mill Wheel Shop
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Candy Cane Sleigh
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois
mailed 1960

Santa’s Polar Dome
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Peppermint Slide
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Santa’s Whirling
Snowball Ride
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Gift Shop
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Christmas Tree Ride
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Treehouse Slide
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Old McDonald’s
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Santa’s Good Book
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Pumpkin Coach
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Center View
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Candy Cane
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Wee Puppet Theatre
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Dundee Duck Pond
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Santa Claus
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Gingerbread House
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois
mailed 1967

The Happy
Jack in the Box
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Chapel of the
Little Shepherd
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois

Post Office
Santa’s Village
Dundee, Illinois




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