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Old Postcards
Alameda page 1
Neptune Beach
Waterfront, Ships, Ferry, Bridges, Tube, Trains
Civic Buildings
Homes and Parks
Churches, Hotels, Motels
Naval Air Station, Coast Guard Base, Airport
Old Photos
Alameda and Oakland, Aerial 1924
Aerial view of Alameda and Oakland, 1930
Alameda Airport, from the air, circa 1935
San Leandro, California, aerial view April 29, 1938
Alameda, California, aerial 1939
Alameda, Aerial Photo 1941
San Leandro, aerial photo showing Caterpillar plant, circa 1945
Bay Farm Island, Aerial 1966
Bay Farm Island, Aerial, 1968
Alameda, Bay Farm Island, Oakland Airport, Dec. 26, 1969
Alameda, California, Bay Farm Island, aerial view 1977
Alameda, California, aerial view 1982
Alameda, Restaurant Photos
Alameda, Memorial Benches
San Leandro, Old Photos
GM’s BOP (Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac) Assembly Plant, Fremont, California
Old Maps
Alameda, 1844
Alameda, 1854
Alameda, 1859
Alameda, 1884
Alameda, 1895
Alameda, 1908
Alameda, 1915
Alameda, 1920
Alameda, 1939
Alameda and East Bay Cities, 1951
Alameda, 1957
Alameda, 1959 shoreline vs. 1855
Alameda, 1960
Alameda, 1962
Alameda, and East Bay Cities, 1970
Alameda, 1978
Alameda City Site
Alameda City Library
Alameda City Museum
Alameda Golf Course
USS Hornet
Antiques Faire
About Alamedainfo
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Old Postcards
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Alameda page 1
Neptune Beach
Waterfront, Ships, Ferry, Bridges, Tube, Trains
Civic Buildings
Homes and Parks
Churches, Hotels, Motels
Naval Air Station, Coast Guard Base, Airport
Old Photos
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Alameda and Oakland, Aerial 1924
Aerial view of Alameda and Oakland, 1930
Alameda Airport, from the air, circa 1935
San Leandro, California, aerial view April 29, 1938
Alameda, California, aerial 1939
Alameda, Aerial Photo 1941
San Leandro, aerial photo showing Caterpillar plant, circa 1945
Bay Farm Island, Aerial 1966
Bay Farm Island, Aerial, 1968
Alameda, Bay Farm Island, Oakland Airport, Dec. 26, 1969
Alameda, California, Bay Farm Island, aerial view 1977
Alameda, California, aerial view 1982
Alameda, Restaurant Photos
Alameda, Memorial Benches
San Leandro, Old Photos
GM’s BOP (Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac) Assembly Plant, Fremont, California
Old Maps
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Alameda, 1844
Alameda, 1854
Alameda, 1859
Alameda, 1884
Alameda, 1895
Alameda, 1908
Alameda, 1915
Alameda, 1920
Alameda, 1939
Alameda and East Bay Cities, 1951
Alameda, 1957
Alameda, 1959 shoreline vs. 1855
Alameda, 1960
Alameda, 1962
Alameda, and East Bay Cities, 1970
Alameda, 1978
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Alameda City Site
Alameda City Library
Alameda City Museum
Alameda Golf Course
USS Hornet
Antiques Faire
About Alamedainfo